Saturday, December 13, 2008

I am

I am a dad, a husband, a biker, a photog, a dreamer, a traveler, a music lover, a brother, a drinker, a pissed off American, and a gumbo lover.

Stop by again after the 1st to view pics from my next two Flickr Projects "100 Strangers " and " 6 Million Portraits" along with other works.

Happy New Year Freaks!


  1. Hey MK- Great Blog...look forward to seeing what pics you post. We will have to share some photo and travel stories. :) KR

  2. hey nice vintage pic i also look forward to whats to come...

    check out my work at timwest(dot)info - PHOTONOMY

    ps the trcwest thing is an old blog just couldnt enTER it in below..

  3. Hey brother, great idea! You have inspired me to follow suit. I love the intro, and it is you, no pulling back. If I had to discribe you that is how I would.
